To convert eighty and forty-two hundredths to a decimal, you simply write it as 80.42. The whole number part, which is 80, remains the same, while the decimal part, which is forty-two hundredths, is written as .42. Therefore, eighty and forty-two hundredths as a decimal is 80.42.
The answer depends on the degree of rounding. To the nearest hundredths, it is 5.79 To the nearest whole number, it is 6 To the nearest hundred, it is 0.
It is 9 rounded to the nearest whole number
Rounded to the nearest whole number it is 3
The answer is 11Ten and ninety-one hundredths rounded to the nearest whole number is: 11
7.62 rounded to the nearest whole number is 8.
To convert eighty and forty-two hundredths to a decimal, you simply write it as 80.42. The whole number part, which is 80, remains the same, while the decimal part, which is forty-two hundredths, is written as .42. Therefore, eighty and forty-two hundredths as a decimal is 80.42.
Rounded to the nearest whole number, 49/100, or 0.49, is approximately equal to 0.
To write 41.50 in words, you would write "forty-one and fifty hundredths." This breaks down the number into its whole number and decimal parts, with "forty-one" representing the whole number 41 and "fifty hundredths" representing the decimal 0.50.
The answer depends on the degree of rounding. To the nearest hundredths, it is 5.79 To the nearest whole number, it is 6 To the nearest hundred, it is 0.