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perfect squares

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Q: Numbers whose square roots are integers are called?
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What is it called when it Has integers as its square roots?

a perfect square

What has integers as its square roots?

Such a number is called a "perfect square".

Has integers as its roots?

Such a number is called a "perfect square".

What is A number whose square roots are integers or quotients of integers?

They are squares of rational numbers. there is no particular name for them.

What are positive square roots called?

They are called real numbers. Negative square roots must be complex numbers.

What are two consecutive integers of the square root of 117?

The square roots of 117 are irrational numbers and so are not two integers - consecutive or otherwise.

What are the square numbers from 576 to 10000?

The square numbers integers between 576 and 10000 (and their square roots, in the left column) are: 245762562526676277292878429841309003196132102433108934115635122536129637136938144439152140160041168142176443184944193645202546211647220948230449240150250051260152270453280954291655302556313657324958336459348160360061372162384463396964409665422566435667448968462469476170490071504172518473532974547675562576577677592978608479624180640081656182672483688984705685722586739687756988774489792190810091828192846493864994883695902596921697940998960499980110010000

What number does the number -1 belongs?

Integers, odd integers, negative integers, odd negative integers, rational numbers, negative rational numbers, real numbers, negative real numbers, square roots of 1, etc.

Is the square root of 170 a rational number?

No. The only square roots of integers that are rational numbers only when the integer is a perfect square.

What are the integers between 0 and 100 whose positive square roots are integers?

What are the integers between 0 and 100 whose positive square roots are integers?

Rational numbers who square roots are whole numbers?

Every integer is a rational number, and some integers are perfect squares. These are the only rational numbers to have an integral square root.

What do you called the set of infinite decimals and non perfect square root?

Infinite decimals: irrational numbers; Non-perfect square roots: a subset of irrational numbers.