Four and One Hundred Twenty-Four Thousandths
one hundred twenty-eight
five thousand, four hundred twenty-one ten-thousandths.
The Romans did not stop using gold and silver in their coins. There was continuous debasement (reduction of the precious metal content) of the gold and silver coins to the point that they became worthless. The gold and silver content became minimal, however, the use of these two mentals was not actually stopped. This caused hyperinflation. To address this problem Diocletian reformed the Roman coin system and introduced a new gold coin (the solidus) and a new silver one (the argenteus, valued at 1/10 of a solidus) which had a much higher precious metal content. His successor Constantine suspended the issuing of the silver coin to concentrate on minting large quantities of the solidus, which became the standard of the Roman currency system. He then introduced two new silver coins, the millarense (valued at 1/12 of a solidus) and the siliqua (valued at 1/24 of a solidus).
Two hundred twenty-one thousand, four hundred twenty-four.
Twenty-one times greater than four would be 21 x 4, which equals 84.
What is 4721521? In words, 4,721,521 is four million, seven hundred and twenty-one thousand, five hundred and twenty-one
it is .5
One-seventh of twenty eight is four.
Twenty-four one hundredths is 0.24