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Q: Only number that can't be represented in Roman numerals?
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What is April 13 in roman numerals?

The date can't be expressed in Roman Numerals since it's incompatible with that number system. You can possibly work out with only numbers, such as 2 or 11.

What is the roman numeral for 1 centillion?

In Roman numerals, there is no specific symbol for 1 centillion, as Roman numerals have limitations in representing extremely large numbers. The highest number that can be represented in Roman numerals is 3,999 (MMMCMXCIX). Centillion is a modern, non-standard term used to describe a number followed by 303 zeros, which is typically represented in scientific notation.

Why did they make roman numerals?

It was the only number system when it was invented

What is the largest number u can write with roman numerals I C X V L you can use each numeral only once?

The largest number you can write using the Roman numerals I, C, X, V, and L only once each is 149. It is represented as CXLIX, where C is 100, XL is 40, and IX is 9.

What is a million in roman numerals?

Roman numerals can only go up to 4,999.

Use Roman Numerals in math?

The roman numerals can be only helpful when you learn about quadrants in the 7th grade. That's only one reason that roman numerals are helpful in math.

What is 8678767 in Roman Numerals?

Roman numerals really only go up to a million.

How do you write April 7 in roman numerals?

Roman numerals only apply to numbers. so April can't be in roman numerals, but seven is VII

What are the three rules for writing roman numerals?

the roman numerals L,X,M,C,I,D ARE the roman numerals that can be used only 3 times

What are the roman numerals up to 1 million?

roman numerals only go up to 1000, which is M

Do decimals and whole numbers use Roman numerals?

No,decimal numbers and whole numbers are not counted in Roman Numerals,ROman nUmerals are meant only for natural Numbers.

How do you write 3.32 in roman numeral?

The Romans didn't have a 1/25th fraction, so 8/25ths (0.32) couldn't be notated in Roman numerals. The Roman fractions were strictly duodecimal (base-12), so while you could have fractions like 552/1728 (0.31944) or 553/1728 (0.32002), they are only an approximation of 8/25ths. 1/1728 is 12-4, which is about as small a fraction as you will find in Roman numerals, denoted by ». So the answer is you cannot write 3.32 exactly in Roman numerals. But a fair approximation would be: |L| DCCXXXVII » That is; 5737/1728 using Middle Age notation. |L| is 50x100 which is 5,000