Yes. In general, you can use positive versus negative numbers whenever you have two opposites. Other examples include having a net profit on a business transaction, versus having a net loss; or altitude above (or below) sea level,
1. Temperature below zero 2. Earning money is positive, owing it is negative 3. Fractions can be represented as negative exponents. 4. To take dollars off a price, i.e. a discount. 5. When talking about how much a price has gone up or gone down. We use negatives for down 6. Gaining weight is positive, loosing it is negative. 7. Profit is positive, loss of income is negative. 8. Amount of refund when you return something. 9. The height of a mountain is positive, the height of a valley is negative. 10. Coupons can be used for negative number. A 5 dollar off coupon if the price plus negative five dollars.
A negative number is the opposite of a positive number. If a positive number measures the money you have, then a negative number measures the money you owe. If you multiply two negative numbers together, you are getting the opposite of an opposite. One negative negates the other, leaving you with a positive.
A negative number is an opposite or reversal of a positive number. For example, if a million dollars is a lot of money to have, then it is also true that a million dollars is a lot of money to owe. If you reverse something twice, you return to the original state. So a negative times a negative (or a negative divided by a negative) is a positive. The opposite of the opposite is the original.
A directed number is a number with a sign (direction): Positive and negative. The direction (or sign) of the number adds meaning to what is happening, depending on what the number is describing. For example, in financial situations or bookkeeping, positive money would be income (receiving money) while negative is money going out (expenses, you spent money on something). You want the net of all money flows to be greater than zero (positive, which means that means that you will have more money than what you started with). If the net money flow is negative, then you spent more than you earned and your bank account will be decreasing.
It is true that all negative numbers are less than zero. Think of a number line, zero is to the right of each negative number. Think real world, if you owed $500 to the bank would you have more money or less money than someone who owed $0?
Whenever you have two opposites, you can use positive number for one, and negative numbers for the other. For example: * Having money might be positive, owing money might be negative (owing money is worse than just having nothing). * Getting money might be a positive change; spending money (or otherwise losing it), a negative change. * Places above sea level might be assigned a positive altitude; places below sea level, a negative altitude. * If latitudes north of the equator are defined as positive, then latitudes south of the equator would be negative. Or the other way round.
a negative number. think banking..... no money plus no money is ? Nothing (negative) "no money" would be zero, wouldn't it? Zero, or "nothing", is not negative. Still, a negative number plus a negative number is a negative number. minus X plus minus Y equals minus(X + Y).
1. Temperature below zero 2. Earning money is positive, owing it is negative 3. Fractions can be represented as negative exponents. 4. To take dollars off a price, i.e. a discount. 5. When talking about how much a price has gone up or gone down. We use negatives for down 6. Gaining weight is positive, loosing it is negative. 7. Profit is positive, loss of income is negative. 8. Amount of refund when you return something. 9. The height of a mountain is positive, the height of a valley is negative. 10. Coupons can be used for negative number. A 5 dollar off coupon if the price plus negative five dollars.
Well I it is possible but the only problom is that you will be in det with some will be owing money to that person.
credit card debt. spending money from money you dont have. credit card debt. spending money from money you dont have.
A negative number is the opposite of a positive number. If a positive number measures the money you have, then a negative number measures the money you owe. If you multiply two negative numbers together, you are getting the opposite of an opposite. One negative negates the other, leaving you with a positive.
Flowing honey
If you use positive numbers to represent money which you have or are owed (credit), then use negative numbers to represent debits.Remember, though, that sometimes the choice of which of the two is positive is arbitrary and depends on you. If I owe you money, the situation would be represented by a negative number in my accounts but a positive entry in yours.
Due to the fact I lost my job, I ended up owing money to the credit card company.