To express 0.16 repeating as a percentage, we first need to convert it to a fraction. Since the decimal 0.16 repeats indefinitely, we can represent it as 16/99 in fraction form. To convert this fraction to a percentage, we multiply by 100 to get 1600/99. Therefore, 0.16 repeating is equivalent to approximately 16.16% when rounded to two decimal places.
444.44... repeating %
you use the decimal that is repeating and out that number twice. examples: .6 repeating= 66 percent 0.9 repeating= 99%
0.916 repeating as a percent = 91.67%0.916666 * 100% = 91.67%
The decimal notation for 0.6 percent is 0.006
The decimal notation of 5 percent is 0.05
The decimal notation of 0.05 percent is 0.0005
_ 5.921
the repeating term of a decimal
It is: 5.'63' repeating '63'
0.59 percent notation = 59%0.59 * 100% = 59%
percent notation for 6.6 =660%6.6 * 100% = 660%
Decimal notation of 135 percent is 1.35.