As a percentage that is 62.5%
5 over 8 or 5/8 is equal to 62.5 percent.****************************************62.5% [as a percentage ]cancelled down is still 5/8
5/8 x 100 % = 621/2 % = 62.5 %
5/8 can be written in percentage (62.5%) and in decimal (0.625) or just in more complex form (like 10/16, 50/80 etc)
5/8 as a decimal = 0.625 5/8 as a percentage = 62.5%
58 or 5/8?
To get the percentage, you divide the number of correct (8) by the total number (5). 8/5= 1.6 or 160%.
5/8 = .625 = 62.5%
5/8 = 0.625 = 62.5%
That would be 62.5%It would be 5/8 as a fraction.It would be 0.625 in decimal form.5/8 = .625 = 62.5%
5/8 = 5 ÷ 8 = 62.5% or 0.625
If you mean: 5/8 then it is 62.5%
5 / 8 is equal to 62.5%
5 is 62.5% of 8.
It is 62.5%