To simplify 440/1760, we first find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator, which is 440. Then, we divide both numbers by the GCF to get the simplified fraction. So, 440/1760 simplifies to 1/4.
There are no two consecutive integers, negative or positive, whose product is 440.
There are no such integers. 20*21 = 420 is too small while 21*22 = 462 is too large.
You can do this by trial-and-error.Or, call one integer "n", the next one "n+1", and solve the equation: n(n+1) = 440 Note: Whichever of these two methods you use, it will be clear that this problem has no integer solution.
Multiply 440 x .07 and then add the product to 440: (440 x .07) + 440 = 30.80 + 440 = 470.80
The product is 440
440 yards is 1/4 mile.
440 g = 44 decagrams
There are 10 millimetres in one centimetre. Therefore, 440 millimetres is equal to 440/10 = 44 centimetres.
440 yards is 1/4 mile.