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Properties of B cell epitopes

•The size is determined by the size, shape and amino acid residue of the Ag-binding site on the Ab molecule

•The binding involves weak non covalent interaction

•Native proteins generally hydrophilic amino acids

•Sequential or non-sequential amino acids

•Located in mobile regions


Properties of T cell epitopes

•T cell recognize Ag that has been processed in antigenic peptides with MHC

•Antigenic peptides recognized by T cells form trimolecular complexes with a T cell receptor and MHC molecules

•Internal peptides

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What are commutative and associative properties of addition?

Commutative Law: a + b = b + a Associative Law: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

What are multiplication properties?

The answer depends on the context. For example, multiplication of numbers is commutative (A*B = B*A) but multiplication of matrices is not.

What is formula for partial volume of a elliptical head?

A comprehensive answer to this question will be found at: See Related Links put a (major axis) in cell B1 put b (minor axis) in cell B2 put L (lenght of tank) in cell B3 and put variable height in cell B6 to .... put this formula to Microsoft excel in cell C6 =(B$1/2*B$2/2*ACOS(1-B6/B$2*2)-B$1/2*(B$2/2-B6)*SQRT(1-(1-B6/B$2*2)^2))*B$3 result will given in cell C6

Properties of addition?

If 'a', 'b' and 'c' are any three numbers, then the properties of addition are:* Associative: the value of a + (b + c) is the same as (a + b) + c;* Additive identity: there exists zero (0) such that a + 0 = a;* Additive inverse: for every number a there is an additive inverse, denoted by (-a), such that a + (-a) = (-a) + a = 0;* Commutative: the value of a + b is the same as b + a;* Closed: the value of a + b is another number in the original set of a and b, for example, if aand b are both integers, then a + b will also be an integer.

Which property is which in math?

the basic number properties in math are associative, commutative, and distributive associative: (for addition) a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c (for multiplication) a(bc)=(ab)c or a*(b*c)=(a*b)*c commutative: (for addition) a+b=b+a (for multiplication) a*b=b*a or ab=ba distributive: a(b+c)=ab+ac or a(b+c)=a*b + a*c

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What is linked recognition?

Linked Recognition occurs when a B cell is activated by a helper T cell that responds to the same antigen as the B cell. The epitope recognized by the B cell must be "linked" to the epitope recognized by the helper T cell--in a manner such that both epitopes are physically linked in a certain manner. However, the two epitopes need not be the same. The importance of linked recognition can be observed in maintaining self tolerance. Also, a B cell recognized by a helper T cell is up to 10,000 times more efficient at displaying peptide fragments on their MHC class II molecures than B cells that are not helped.

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C is false.A pathogen can have multiple epitopes and antigens. A single antigen is simply one molecule, and the cell surface is littered with millions of antigens.

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