Various methods: * Convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator; then order by smallest numerator to largest; * Convert the fractions to [approximate] decimals by dividing the numerators by the denominators; then order by the smallest decimal to largest; * Divide the denominators by the numerators; then order by the largest result to the smallest. In all cases list the original fractions.
The correct order of the numbers from least to greatest is as follows: 0.049, 0.39, 0.4, 0.409, 0.49. When comparing decimals, it is important to look at the digits after the decimal point from left to right. In this case, 0.049 is the smallest because it has the smallest digit in the first decimal place, followed by 0.39, 0.4, 0.409, and finally 0.49.
In order from smallest to largest these are arranged: 0.02 0.19 0.2
To arrange these numbers from smallest to largest, we first compare the whole number parts. Then, we compare the numbers to the right of the decimal point. The correct order is: 0.001, 0.05, 0.2, 0.5, 3.3, 5.2. This is because 0.001 is the smallest, followed by 0.05, then 0.2, 0.5, 3.3, and finally 5.2.
Smallest 0.007 0.5 0.63 Largest 0.7
.17 is the smallest, .2 is the largest. These are decimal forms of fractional numbers. So they behave just like regular numbers in size order.
Various methods: * Convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator; then order by smallest numerator to largest; * Convert the fractions to [approximate] decimals by dividing the numerators by the denominators; then order by the smallest decimal to largest; * Divide the denominators by the numerators; then order by the largest result to the smallest. In all cases list the original fractions.
The next smallest classification after order is family.
you order unit fraction like this by smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest
Ascending order goes from smallest to largest.
The smallest animal in the order Petaurus, which is an order in the possum family, is the sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps). It is not the smallest glider: that honour goes to the Feathertail glider, but the Feathertail is in the order Diprotodontia.
The order of taxa from largest to smallest is: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family.
To order decimals from smallest to largest, start by comparing the digits to the left of the decimal point. If they are the same, move to the first digit to the right. Continue this process until you can determine the order of the decimals. Remember, the decimal point separates the whole number from the fractional part, with smaller numbers appearing to the left of larger numbers.
Arranging data from smallest to largest is called ascending order, while arranging data from largest to smallest is called descending order.
the smallest moon in the whole universe
From smallest to largest is known as putting data in ascending order.
The correct order of the numbers from least to greatest is as follows: 0.049, 0.39, 0.4, 0.409, 0.49. When comparing decimals, it is important to look at the digits after the decimal point from left to right. In this case, 0.049 is the smallest because it has the smallest digit in the first decimal place, followed by 0.39, 0.4, 0.409, and finally 0.49.