To spoil someone's plans or discourage them from acheiving their goals
You evaluate the expression !! :)
Each tricycle has three wheels, and there are two tricycles. So: 2 tricycles x 3 wheels = 6 wheels
How do you write an expression
If an expression does not have a common factor, then it is called a "prime" expression.
To evaluate an expression is nothing but to operate the given expression according to the operators given in the expression if it is evaluable i.e, it could be convertable.
If the wheels are steel, a magnet will stick. If aluminum, it will not.If the wheels are steel, a magnet will stick. If aluminum, it will not.
By buying bigger wheels....and putting them on
Use a magnet. If it sticks it's chrome. If not, it's polished aluminum.
evalauting the expression
they stick on the track by these tapes on the wheels
Putting a fish on a stick and selling it.
a stick on wheels.
The expression, "It's nothing to shake a stick at" means it is important.
you crash
by putting a big engine on it and some nitro
Tires are out of balance. Have the tires balanced.
Connective to the earth: An Imaginary line that the earth rotates on. To wheels: A Stick/tube/metal rod that wheels rotate on.