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Q: Real life situation for changing repeating decimals into fractions?
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Why are repeating decimals changed to fractions?

There are times when working with fractions is more convenient than working with decimals.

Is 0.16 repeating irrational?

No, no repeating decimal is irrational. All repeating decimals can be converted to fractions. They are, however, non-terminating.

How do you add repeating decimals?

Convert the repeating decimals into fractions, and then add those. If you need it as a decimal, then you can just convert the product back into a decimal!:)

When you are dividing two repeating decimals is it easier to add them as they are or to change them to fractions first?

It is not clear why you would wish to add them! Changing them to fractions is generally the better option because it averts rounding errors.

What is the relationship between repeating decimals and fractions?

They are both representations of rational numbers.

What can rational numbers be expressed as?

fractions or decimals

Why are repeating decimals common to get after dividing?

all rational fractions are repeating. When you divide, eventually the remainder will repeat and then will the sequence

Is a repeating decimal rational?

yes, repeating decimals (those that have infinite - never ending - number of digits after the decimal point and these decimals show repeating pattern) are rational numbers, because they can be written as fractions.

Is 3.25 repeating an integer?

No because integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.

How can a decimal change to a repeating fraction?

Fractions don't repeat, decimals do. 4/9 = 4 divided by 9 = 0.4444 repeating

What is it called when fractions terminating repeating decimals integers and percents called?

They are called rational numbers

How do you order fractions and decimals from least to greastest?

The easiest way it to convert them all to decimals. Carry out the repeating decimals to an equal number of places. Then it is easy to put them in order.