It is 77 because you round 5 to 0, and round 6 to 7.
There are two significant figures in 0.025.
To round 0.03241 to 2 significant figures, we must consider the first two non-zero digits, which are 3 and 2. The digit after 2 is 4, which is less than 5, so we round down. Therefore, 0.03241 rounded to 2 significant figures is 0.032.
88930371.007 to 2 significant figures is 89000000
Rounded to 2 significant figures it is 0.043
8468 rounded to 2 significant figures is 8500
0.004560 to two significant figures results in: 0.0046
0.000039 as you have to round it up. 3 and 8 are the significant figures but as you must round up, the answer becomes 0.000039.
To change 3.20 into 2 significant figures, simply round it to 3.2. The zero after the 2 is removed as it is not significant when there are only 2 significant figures.
rounded to 3 significant figures it would be .00750