The Square Root of 135 is 11.61895 which if you round to the nearest tenth it would be 11.70.
When rounding 135 to the nearest ten, the digit in the tens place is 3, which is less than 5. Therefore, the digit in the hundreds place remains the same, and the tens place becomes 4. So, 135 rounds to 140.
Well I mean the year I was born in
The Square Root of 135 is 11.61895 which if you round to the nearest tenth it would be 11.70.
When rounding 135 to the nearest ten, the digit in the tens place is 3, which is less than 5. Therefore, the digit in the hundreds place remains the same, and the tens place becomes 4. So, 135 rounds to 140.
Well I mean the year I was born in
It is an irrational number and it is 11.62 rounded to the nearest hundredth
It is: 135
To convert 135% to decimal divide by 100: 135% ÷ 100 = 1.35
The GCF of 100 and 135 is 5.
5 is the GCF of 90, 100, and 135.
135 is what percent of 45= 135 / 45= 3Converting decimal to a percentage: 3 * 100 = 300%