Well, isn't that a happy little question! When we round 50.5 to the nearest whole number, we look at the decimal part. Since 0.5 is right in the middle, we round up to the next whole number, which is 51. Keep on painting those numbers with joy!
Some, statistically naive people will say 51 but that is incorrect. 5 should always be rounded so that the preceding digit is even. If not, the rounding introduces an upward bias.
This is because you
So you are rounding up more often than down. Hence bias.
To round it use ur own strategy also itβs 500
505 rounded to the nearest to is 510
It is 505 minus 10 = 495
308,000 is 505 away from 307,495307,000 is 495 away from 307,495So, 307,495 rounded to the nearest thousand is 307,000
To round it use ur own strategy also itβs 500
505 rounded to the nearest to is 510
534 rounded to the nearest 10, is 530. 534 rounded to the nearest 100 is 500.
No, 505 is not a prime number.
-0.505 = -505/1000 = (-505/5)/(1000/5) = 101/200
It is 505 minus 10 = 495
There are four. They are 1, 5, 101, and 505.
The number 505 is "five hundred five" (also five hundred and five).