It means to round the number to one place to the right of the decimal point. For example, 5.73702 rounded to the nearest tenth is 5.7
217.8 the same as asking to round a number to one decimal place.
Round 3.7416573 to the nearest tenth is 3.7
24.6 Round 24.583 to the nearest tenth? => 24.600
It means to round the number to one place to the right of the decimal point. For example, 5.73702 rounded to the nearest tenth is 5.7
217.8 the same as asking to round a number to one decimal place.
Round 3.7416573 to the nearest tenth is 3.7
24.6 Round 24.583 to the nearest tenth? => 24.600
Rounded to a tenth this is 35.2
4592 rounds to 4592 if you round to the nearest tenth, as tenth relates to decimal figures which aren't included in the number you gave.However, 4592 rounds to 4590 if you round to the nearest ten.
Step 1. I look in the hundredths place. If I see a 5 or more I round up, otherwise down, to the next multiple of one tenth. Step 2. The number in the hundredths place is 5 so I know to round up. Step 3. The next higher multiple of one tenth is 21.4. That is the answer.
the nearest tenth would be one because the # in the tenths place rounds up to 10 witch is one whole 1.0
19.89 would round to 19.9 to the nearest tenth because we look at the hundredth column and if it is greater than five we round the tenth number up 1.