The number 840 rounded nearest thousand would be 1,000. This is a math problem.
214274 rounded to the nearest thousand is 214000.
Rounding 6,564 to the nearest thousand is 7,000
If you are rounding to the nearest one, it is 999.5 . If you are rounding to the nearest ten, it is 995. If you are rounding to the nearest hundred, it is 950. If you are rounding to the nearest thousand, it is 500.
When rounding to the nearest thousand, you look at the hundreds place. In this case, the hundreds place digit is 9, which is 5 or greater, so you would round up. Therefore, the answer to 592 rounding to the nearest thousand is 1,000.
To the nearest thousand: 36000 To the nearest ten thousand: 40000
214274 rounded to the nearest thousand is 214000.
It is already rounded to the nearest ten as 840
Rounding 6,564 to the nearest thousand is 7,000
The answer will depend on the extent of rounding. To the nearest whole number it is 836, to the nearest million, it is 0.
They both involve rounding numbers.
If you are rounding to the nearest one, it is 999.5 . If you are rounding to the nearest ten, it is 995. If you are rounding to the nearest hundred, it is 950. If you are rounding to the nearest thousand, it is 500.
If we are rounding to the nearest thousand, a whole number wouldn't round to 900.
When rounding to the nearest thousand, you look at the hundreds place. In this case, the hundreds place digit is 9, which is 5 or greater, so you would round up. Therefore, the answer to 592 rounding to the nearest thousand is 1,000.