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Q: Security infractions involve actions that may place classified information or operations at risk True or false?
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Are security infractions involve actions that may place classified information or operations at risk?

Yes, security infractions involve actions that can potentially compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of classified information or operations, thus putting them at risk. It is important to address and mitigate these infractions to maintain the security of such sensitive information and activities.

How does the information operations directive afdd 2-5 2004 define information operations?

Maximizing and maintaining security of classified and unclassified information systems and vital information assets.

What type of information does operations security protect from the adversary observation and collection in a way that traditional security programs cannot?

Operations security

What type of information does operations security protect from adversary observation and collection in a way that traditional security programs cannot?

critical information

The federal information security management act outlines the security requirements for classified systems only?


Under what circumstances could classified information be considered a threat to national security?

When aggregated the classified information's classification level may increase/rise.

The Security Manager is the person solely responsible for safeguarding classified information?


Is The Security Manager is the person solely responsible for safeguarding classified information?


What is the name of the ability or opportunity to gain knowledge of classified information?

Security clearance.

Where can one find classified information online?

Classified information is not typically available online to the general public. It is classified for a reason, usually to protect national security or sensitive information. Access to classified information is restricted and typically limited to authorized individuals within government agencies or organizations that deal with such information.

Why should the government withhold information to the public?

The government may withhold information to protect national security, safeguard sensitive intelligence, maintain diplomatic relations, or ensure public safety. There may be concerns about revealing classified information that could jeopardize ongoing operations or endanger individuals.

Is it true America has secrets?

Every country has secrets, including America. Governments often withhold certain information for reasons of national security or confidentiality. These secrets can range from classified military operations to covert intelligence activities.