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Q: Significant figures are digits read directly from the measuring instrument plus one more digit which is by the observer?
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Significant figures are digits read directly from the measuring instrument plus one more digit which is what by the observer?


The point directly overhead of an observer is said to be his?


What is the point on the celestial sphere directly above observer?

The zenith.

What is a modified Observer's assessment of Alertnesssedation score?

It's a research tool for measuring sedation subjectively.

Which instrument is used in observing distant objects by making them appear close to the observer?

astronomical telescope..

What term refers to the point in the sky which appears directly above the observer?


What does the earth have that allows the latitude of an observer on earth's surface to be determined by measuring altitude of Polaris?

Axial tilt.spherical shape

A is the point on the celestial sphere directly above the head of the observe?

That's called the observer's "zenith".

What is periscope means?

a tubular optical instrument containing lenses and mirrors by which an observer obtains an otherwise obstructed field of view.

What is visable on the celestial sphere directly above the observer?

The point just overhead is called the zenith. The objects visible at that point depend on the date, the time of day or night, and the observer's location.

When determining a position solely on the information obtained by measuring the position of two celestial bodies at how many possible points could an observer be?


What is the point from which an azimuth originates?

The azimuth originates at true NorthThe azimuth originates form the north point. It is a measure of how far an object is form the observer's north point.