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pete the pilot is 35 years old .his son is 9 years old. in how many years pete be exactly three times older than his son

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Q: Solving Problem with Guess and Check Tables?
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What are steps in practical problem solving?

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write a math equation , look for a pattern , use a table/ diagram , use logical reasoning guess and check, make a list, daw a picture,

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cause its tired i guess i dont know

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drawing a diagram drawing a table acting out guess and check creating an prganized list looking for a pattern creating a tree diagram working backwards open ended problem analyzing and investigating using logical reasons

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The scientific method is just organized so that everybody can follow it. I guess it also depends on how you solve the problem. If it's dumb luck wouldn't be able to reproduce the results. So with the scientific method the results or solving the problem would be able to be reproduced.

How do you guess answers in eamcet?

by solving

Can you count in your sleep?

There are times when individuals are extremely stressed out about an upcoming test they might be taking. So they study all night long and end up dreaming about problems that might be on the test. Through this dream, they sometimes might think about ways in solving the problem. By thinking about ways in solving the problem, guess they are using and count out some numbers.

How do do guess and check problems without the guess and check method?

you dont.

A smart guess to explain the problem?

Educated guess.

How do you use the guess and check method for word problems?

Well, first you have to guess the answer and then, you have to check to see if your guess was right or wrong.

What are the different methods of the GCF?

1. Prime factorization of each term, then compare to get the common factors and form the GCF from them. 2. Use an educated 'guess and check' method knowing the multiplication facts (mult. tables)

When turn signal is turned on all lights and controls in the speedometer panel turn off and now check engine light stays on--cause?

My guess would be a bad ground, but that is just an educated guess. The check engine light should have nothing to do with this. The check engine light indicates an emissions problem. Good luck finding the electrical problem, as these are the hardest problems to find. You need to have the computer scanned for fault codes.