merry go round ferris wheel earth wheel washer/dryer spinning top clock hands
The 9 is in the tenth place. In order to round you need to look at the number after it. If it is 5 or greater you round up. less than 5 you round down. 150.97 rounded to the nearest tenth equals 151.0
It depends on whether you are rounding to the nearest integer, nearest ten, nearest 50, nearest 100 or something else.
15 percent of 12.95 would be 1.9425 or just 1.94 if you round it if you are buying something, your new price would be 11.01
You take the number before the number you want to round it to. Round to tens: 97112770 (7 is greater then 4, so you round up) round to hundreds: 97112800 (6 is greater then 4 so you round up) round to thousands:97113000 (greater then 4, round up) round to ten thousands: 97113000 (greater then 4, round up) round to hundred thousands: 97100000 (less then 4, round down) round to millions: 97000000 (less then 4 round down) round to billions: 10,000,000 (more then 4 round up)
The Earth orbiting round the Sun is an example of movement round something.
A homophone for something round is "pear" and for shout loudly is "bellow."
Something which goes round and round.
A homonym for something round and shout loudly could be "ball" and "bawl."
round & round by Selena Gomez
A circle
bawl and ball
an onion
If first digit of a number is 0-4, round down. If it is 5-9, round up.
They used to use a ball , or something round, and a stick to play baseball. They used to use a ball , or something round, and a stick to play baseball.