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1,100 feet per second = 66,000 feet per minute

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Q: Sound travels at 1100 feet per second How many feet per minute does it travel?
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How many feet will sound travel in one minute?

At the temperature of 20 degrees Celsius the sound travels 343 meters in one second or 1125.328 feet in one second. That is 20580 meters in one minute or 67523 feet in one minute.

When does sound travel on the speed with light?

Sound travels, in air, at about 320 meters per second. Light travels about 300 000 000 meters per second

How many metres does sound travel in one second in water?

Sound travels at approximately 1500 meters per second in water.

How much time would it take for the sound of thunder to travel 2000 meters if sound travels a the speed of 330 meters per second?


What travels 331 meters per second?

Sound waves in air travel at approximately 331 meters per second.

How for does sound travel in one millionth of a second?

Sound travels approximately 0.34 millimeters in one millionth of a second in air at room temperature.

How quick does sound travel on water?

Sound travels at the speed of 1,481.99 meters per second in fresh water.

Sound travels at a speed of 7189 feet per second how many meters per second does sound travel in this medium?

2191.21 meters per second.

What distance does light travel in vaccume when sound travels 1100 feet in air?

Light travels approximately 983,571,056 feet in vacuum in the time it takes sound to travel 1100 feet in air.

Does sound travel faster through wood or water?

Sound travels faster through wood than through water. In wood, sound travels at around 3300 meters per second, while in water it travels at around 1500 meters per second.

Sound travels 344m in 1 second at this rate how far does sound travel in 8 seconds?

In 8 seconds, sound would travel 8 times the distance it travels in 1 second. Therefore, in 8 seconds, sound would travel 8 x 344m = 2752 meters.

How many metres does sound travel in 1 second in air?

Sound travels at a speed of approximately 343 meters per second in air at room temperature.