121 cubed = 121 x 121 x 121 = 1,771,561
The first ten multiples of 121 are: 1 x 121 = 121 2 x 121 = 242 3 x 121 = 363 4 x 121 = 484 5 x 121 = 605 6 x 121 = 726 7 x 121 = 847 8 x 121 = 968 9 x 121 = 1089 10 x 121 = 1210
All 121's are date code, see related links for the table/information for looking it up.
Check the date code stamp in related links.
Check date code on barrel - see related links
You didn't say which study links they are. In any case, do your homework first, then check your answers with your teacher.
Here are some good links to help you study better.
Check date code on barrel, see related links
Here are some good links to help you learn to study!
The study of earthquakes is called Seismology. Please see related links for more details.
Go on study links .com they will give you most of the ANWESERs but not all