The study of numbers is known as Numerology.
This is told by Carl F. Gauss: "Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics." There are different types of numbers: prime numbers, composite numbers, real numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers and so on. This study of numbers is included within the concept of maths and numbers and it is very important a study. Therefor number theory holds a greater importance too.
Mathematics is the study of numbers and how they can be used to calculate information For Example: Numbers in Money can be used to manage finances, create budgets, calculate taxes, and help manage important expenses
The square of a "normal" number is not negative. Consequently, within real numbers, the square root of a negative number cannot exist. However, they do exist within complex numbers (which include real numbers)and, if you do study the theory of complex numbers you wil find that all the familiar properties are true.
The study of numbers is known as Numerology.
The proper term for the study of numbers is numerology.
study of numbers ^_~
The study of numbers is one of the topics of mathematics.
Individuals who study numbers.
The earliest records of any knowledge of prime numbers dates back to ancient Egypt. The ancient Greeks were the first people known to explicitly study prime numbers.
number theory
Number theory
It's called "Numberwang".
I believe you mean mathematics.
No. Numismatists study coins.