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Mixed fractions, and fractions in general, aren't very hard to deal with.

A mixed fraction has a whole number in front, and a fraction next to it.

ex: 4 and (5/8ths)

Let's try to add 4 and (5/8ths) + 8 and (3/8ths).

What would you do if there were no fraction? ie: 4 + 8

You'd just add the numbers, right?

We do the same thing with mixed fractions, you can deal with the fractional parts after.

4 + 8 = 12.

But we still have to add (5/8) + (3/8).

To add fractions together, make sure they have the same bottom number.

Luckily 5/8 and 3/8 have a "common denominator", or same bottom number.

So all we have to do is add the tops together.

5+3 = 8.

and then put our sum over the common denominator. or 8/8.

and we know that 8/8ths is the same as 1 whole. (a whole number!)

We can add this to our original sum --> 4 + 8 + 1 = 13

4 and 5/8 + 8 and 3/8 = 13 ( and 0/8)

Try this one:

1 and 1/3 + 2 and 1/3

1) Add your whole numbers together....

2) Check to see if your fractions have the same bottom number. If they do, just add the top numbers and put the sum over the bottom number from both fractions.

Note, sometimes the denominators of the fractions are not the same! (eww)

ex: 5 and 1/5 + 4 and 8/15

We need to make the denominators of both fractions the same

Let's look at 1/5 and 8/15. The easiest way to make a common denominator is to multiply 1/5 by 15 on top and bottom. Also, we need to multiply 8/15 by 5 on top and bottom. HOwever, sometimes this gives us really big numbers...

So, the semi-easy way: What can I multiply 5 by (1/5th's denominator) to get 15 (8/15ths denominator)? That's right, 3.

Make sure to multiply top and bottom!

1/5 * 3/3 = 3/15 (multiply fractions straight across. top to top, bottom to bottom) Since 3/3 = 1, multiplying 1/5 * 3/3 doesn't change the value of it, just how we look at it.

So now it's easy to add! 5 and 3/15 (this was 1/5 from before) + 4 and 8/15

Add the whole numbers -> 5 + 4 = 9

then add the fractions -> 3/15 + 8/5 (add the tops, keep the bottom) -> 11/15

and we get 9 and 11/15ths

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When you subtract a mixed number from a whole number what will the answer be?

It will be either a mixed fraction or a proper fraction, positive or negative.

How to subtract a mixed number from a whole number?

You convert the mixed numeral into an improper fraction. Now subtract the improper fraction from the whole number by putting the whole number over 1.

How do your borrow from a whole number when subtracting fractions?

A mixed number has a whole number and a fraction. A fraction is a number that is less than whole and that has a denominator underneath a numerator. To add or subtract mixed numbers, add or subtract the fractions, then add or subtract the whole numbers. If the fraction portion of a mixed number, such as 2 5/6, is more than the fraction portion of the mixed number you're trying to subtract from, such as 3 1/6, you must borrow from the whole number of the mixed number you're trying to subtract from to make its fraction bigger... Please comment on my answers I do not have a Facebook account...

How do you add and subtract frations with a whole number with a fraction?

Express the mixed fraction as an improper fraction and then proceed as you would with ordinary fractions. If the answer is an improper fraction, then remember to convert to a mixed fraction.

What is the difiinition of subtracting fraction and mixed numbers?

when people subtract and when there done turn it in to a mixed number.

How do you subtract mixed number from mixed numbers with dissimilar fraction?

Make them into improper fractions, find the least common denominator, convert them, subtract, reduce if possible.

How can you subtract mixed numbers when the fraction in the first mix number is less than the fraction in the second mixed number?

Yes, you can but you need to "rename" the whole part of the first mixed number.

What is a subtracting mixed number?

Subtracting a mixed number is just subtracting fractions but with a whole number by a fraction. To subtract tun the mixed numbers into improper fractions and find the common denominator. Then you subtract the numerators.

How can you add and subtract mixed numbers?

Make it into an both numbers an improper fraction and then do the opperation.

How do you find the difference between two mixed fractions?

Subtract the smaller fraction from the larger one.