4+1=5. Plus 4 equals 9. Plus 77685769844446473 equals 77685769844446482. Plus 3 equals 77685769844446485. Plus 8 equals 77685769844446493. Plus 1 equals 77685769844446494. Plus 9870998342523322424 equals 1064785604097768918. Plus 4 equals 1064785604097768922.
It is the property that equals plus equals are equals.
the answer is a
If I am correct, 9 plus 7 equals 112.
When silicon reacts with sulfur, it forms silicon sulfide, which can have varying compositions such as SiS, SiS2, or Si2S3. These compounds are commonly used in semiconductor manufacturing and as a lubricant additive.
This reaction is a redox reaction, where copper sulfide (Cu2S) is reacting with oxygen (O2) to produce copper (Cu) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). The copper in the copper sulfide is oxidized from a +1 oxidation state to 0, while the sulfur is reduced from -2 to +4 in sulfur dioxide. This reaction involves the transfer of electrons between copper and sulfur, leading to the formation of different compounds.
The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: SO2 + 2H2O โ S + 2H2SO3. When sulfur dioxide (SO2) reacts with water (H2O), it forms sulfur (S) and sulfurous acid (H2SO3).
PbS + O2 -> Pb + SO2
It is very clear: the compounds resulted from this reaction are water and oxygen.
The chemical equation for germanium plus sulfur is Ge + S -> GeS.
Sulfur-34 has two neutrons plus.
4+1=5. Plus 4 equals 9. Plus 77685769844446473 equals 77685769844446482. Plus 3 equals 77685769844446485. Plus 8 equals 77685769844446493. Plus 1 equals 77685769844446494. Plus 9870998342523322424 equals 1064785604097768918. Plus 4 equals 1064785604097768922.
The compound name for aluminum plus sulfur is aluminum sulfide.
It is the property that equals plus equals are equals.