Sure thing, honey. To take 0.35 from 35, you simply subtract 0.35 from 35. The answer is 34.65. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Four hundred twenty-one thousand and 35
Yes. .05 is the same as.050 which is greater than .035 .
Take the square root of 1225, which is 35.
My gyal
When traveling at 35 mph it will take you 210 feet to come to a complete stop
NO!!! The decimal point is the critical factor. 035 = 35 ( The zero is trvial) . .035 = 0.035 = 35/1000 = 7/200 Notice 35 does NOT equal 7/200 . This is becaiuse of the critical position of the decimal point.
if thats .035 then its 3.5% and if its .35 then it will be 35%
35 liters = .035 kiloliters
0.35 = 35%
10 milligrams = 1 centigram. So, 035 milligrams = 35 milligrams = 35/10 = 3.5 centigrams. Simple!
Write it as 035, then take the tens as the number that you use to decide whether you round up or down. With it being three you will round down so the answer will be 0.
.35 is equal to 35/100 which is also 7/20
It is 35/1000 which can be simplified, if you so wish.
1cm = 10mm therefor 35 cm = 350mm