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2 apples, (this is the amount I took, therefore it is what I have)

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Allene Morissette

Lvl 10
2y ago
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12y ago

♣ Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalians: Two. Subtraction trick. 3 - 2 = 1. You just received two apples. You took them away. G7marrero: The writer is trying to say u have 3 apples. u take 2 away. the retard that said two is... a retard. 3♣ Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalians: I'm sorry to say, but I believe and am quite sure you are erroneous (both in what you believe and, well, grammar-wise). The very fact that this was placed into "Word Brain Teasers" rules out the obvious and immediate response. To receive the answer of two, thought geared towards tricks are needed in order to occur. I still hold that two is correct. When you take away two apples, one is left in place of the three. And you even outlined the answer. As you so put it, "u take 2 away." YOU take it. And in the end, that is what you are left with.

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15y ago
There is more than one answer to this question, it could be:
* 1 apple (3 - 2 = 1 apple left) * 2 apples (you take the 2 apples) * 3 apples (as there are still 3 apples altogether) The simplest answer would be 1 apple left.
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Lvl 4
2y ago

If you take 2 apples away from 3 apples, you have 1 left.

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Q: Take 2 apples from 3 apples what do you have?
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If you have 3 apples and take away 2 apples how many apples do you have?

2 apples because if WE TAKE 2 apples then WE HAVE 3 apples.

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Take 2 apples from 3 apples and what do you have?

AnswerLast time I checked, you get one apple. :-) Unless this is somekind of trick question.Answerif you have the 3 apples to stat with, & you take 2 from them, you still have 3 apples. but if someone else has 3 apples, & you take 2, then you have 2 apples, & the other person only has 1.AnswerQuite simple, the answer is 2 apples. There is 3 apples on the table, you take 2 of em'. How many do you have? Well the 2 apples you took of course. Answer2 When YOU take 2 apples from three YOU have 2. Answeryou have apples..

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2 apples.

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Two apples.

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1 apple. No, 2 apples because you took 2.

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3 apples

If I have 3 apples and you take 2 how many do you have?

1 apple

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5 - 3 = 2 Therefore, you would have two apples.

If you take 2 apples from 3 apples how many apples do you have?

2 because that's how many you took.

If there are 5 apples and you take 3 away how many do you have?

YOU would have 3 apples. You see, there are 5 apples, but you don't have those apples, if you take 3 away, then you are taking 3 of those apples, which then you have 3 apples, and you leave 2 left over.

If you have 5 apples and take away 3 how much do you have?

5 - 3 = 2 apples