If there are three apples in a tree and you take two, then you have the TWO apples that you took.
two apples Three apples. You take three, the other guy has two.
two apples
Three apples minus two apples leaves one apple. 3-2=1
One apple remains, but you might be thinking of a similar version of that question: "If you take two apples from three apples, how many apples to do you have?" The answer to that question is two.
two apples Three apples. You take three, the other guy has two.
You cannot take three apples from two apples. Two apples is less than three. You can only take up to two apples from two apples. There is no such thing as a negative apple.
Still three.
you have two apples!!
two apples
Three apples minus two apples leaves one apple. 3-2=1
if I have two apples and YOU take 2 how many do YOU have? you have 2.
you have three
1 apple