seven and eight hundred ninety-three ten thousandths
Ten million times ten= 1 billion No. Ten million times ten is one hundred million (= 1 tenth of 1 billion)
seven point zero zero five one. Or 'Seven and fifty one ten-thousandths'.
There are 700 ten-thousands in seven million.
710,000,000=seven hundred ten million
there are seven zeros in 10million (10,000,000 there could be more than that depending on how many zeros you put after the decimal point.
700 millionths = 7.0 × 10-4700 million = 7.0 × 108Seven ten-thousandths = 7.0 × 10-4
Seven billion, ten million and eighty.
Seven ten thousands thousands make seventy million.
In English: 100,000,000. Here it shows the figure is one million.In the rest of the languages (or at least those I know), the comma is replaced by a point and viceversa. We write 100.000.000 for one million, whereas ten point seven is written 10,7.100,000,000 is one hundred million, not one million.
Seven million, ninety-two thousand, ten.