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SAS postulate or SSS postulate.

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Q: The LL theorem is a special case of the SSS or the?
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The LL theorem is a special case of the SSS or the postulate?


The Ls in LL theorem stand for?


Who discovered ll congruence theorem?

the answer is 120

What is LL Congruence Theorem?

LL Congruence theorem says: If the two legs of one right triangle are congruent to the two legs of another right triangle, then the two right triangles are congruent.

The LL theorem states that for right triangles two congruent what are sufficient to prove congruence of the triangles?


If short hair (L) is dominant to long hair (I) ,animals with LL and Ll have the same?

LL and Ll will both express the dominant gene, in this case short hair. Only an animal with both recessive genes (ll) will have long hair.

Based only on the information given in the diagram, which congruence theorems or postulates could be given as reasons why JKL QRS (Apex)?


In Club Penguin where do you get the mustache?

it`ll be in a clothe magazine or you get it on a special day.

What is the abbreviation for lines?

la. or ln. ansewred by seth

which sports is more interested football and cricket?

Definitely cricket. The shortest versions of cricket are longer than any football match which means it provides more entertainment for a longer period of time.

What is a special product in factory in math?

the special product come from multiply out the bracket you ll need these of ten so its worth knowing them well

The LL theorem states that for two triangles two congruent legs are sufficient to prove congruence of the triangles?

You left out one very important detail . . . the statement is true for a RIGHT triangle.