It is impossible. The absolute value is always positive.
No. The absolute value is the distance a number is from zero. It is always represented by a positive number. The absolute value of any positive number and its negative counterpart is the same.
Yes. The absolute value of two numbers is ALWAYS positive. This is because absolute value means "the number of spaces a number is from zero on a number line.
Other than for the value 0, there are always two numbers that have the same absolute value: the number and the negative of the number, eg 2 and -2 both have the absolute value 2. There is no negative 0, so there is only the number 0 which has the absolute value 0.
The additive opposite is negative 8 (-8). Absolute values are always positive numbers.
The absolute value of a number is always nonnegative.
apex what is the range of the absolute... answer is nonnegative real num...
Negative numbers are always less than their absolute value.
NO, absolute value is always non-negative.
apex what is the range of the absolute... answer is nonnegative real num...
It is impossible. The absolute value is always positive.
No. The absolute value is the distance a number is from zero. It is always represented by a positive number. The absolute value of any positive number and its negative counterpart is the same.
No, positive numbers do not always have a higher absolute value than negative numbers. The absolute value of a negative number is equal to its positive equivalent. For example, the absolute value of -3 and 3 is both 3.
52. The absolute value is the nonnegative value of a number. Enclosing vertical bars ( | | ) are the absolute value operator. Using that notation we can state that |a| = a, and |-a| = a. You can also note that |a| (whether a is negative or positive) equals the square root of a squared.