I am not quite sure what you meant, but for multiplication just use one number and add it as many times as the other number tells you. for example 12*5 is 12+12+12+12+12 which equals 60. I am not quite sure if this helps or not.
multiplication is repeated addition
it identify the multiplication in a whole set of the multiplication it express the property of it
the multiplication of two numbers is called a factor the answer to a multiplication problem is called a product
Lattice multiplication
Answer: multiplikasyon
Nothing. Multiplication is commutative and associative.Nothing. Multiplication is commutative and associative.Nothing. Multiplication is commutative and associative.Nothing. Multiplication is commutative and associative.
The answer in multiplication is the product.
who discover multiplication
The answer of the multiplication is called "Product"
multiplication is repeated addition
Multiples are created by multiplication.
Division is the opposite of multiplication.
The product is the answer to a multiplication.