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the mean

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Q: The arithmetical average is another term for?
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The arithmetical average is another term for the?


What allows to obtain a total average or other information about the numbers in a range?

Basic arithmetical operations.Basic arithmetical operations.Basic arithmetical operations.Basic arithmetical operations.

What is the arithmetical average of the the first one million odd number?

The average is 1,000,000.

What is another math term for mean?


Arithmetical average of the first one million odd numbers?

The answer is one million (the average of the first n odd numbers is always n.)

Another term used to describe the average is called the?

The "average" of the population of samples is the same as their "mean".

Is average another word for Mean Median or Mode?

Average is a synonym for mean (the mathematical term not the adjective)

What is an arithmetical multiplier for converting a quantity expressed in one set of units into an equivalent expressed into another?

It is called a conversion factor.

What is the definition of conversion factor?

an arithmetical multiplier for converting a quantity expressed in one set of units into an equivalent expressed in another.

What is the average price of varmepumper?

The information for an average price of a varmepumper cannot be found anywhere. The term "varmepump", however, is a term for "heat pump" in another language.

What does conversion factor mean?

It's an arithmetical multiplier for converting a quantity expressed in one set of units into an equivalent expressed in another.

What is an arithmetical multiplier for converting a quantity expressed in one set of units into an equivalent expressed in another?

It may be called a conversion factor.