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Q: The basic parts of a Cartesian coordinate system are two number?
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What is the cartesian coordnate system?

The cartesian coordinate system is the basic coordinate system people are familiar with. If you were to plot a basic X Y graph, where X and Y increase towards infinity, you are graphing in the cartesian coordinate system. There are a few other popular coordinate systems for more advanced math, but they are rarely used by most people. (polar coordinate system is common for some calculus equations)

How many number lines comprise the basic parts of a Cartesian coordinate system?

Its 2. The horizontal axes and the vertical axes. god bless you.

How many number lines comprise the basic parts of a cartesian cooridnate system?

As many as the number of dimensions that the coordinate system represents. 2 if it is 2-dimensional plane, 3 if 3-d space and so on.

What term describes A group of functions that have the same basic shape. They may be different sizes or be in different places on the coordinate plane.?

They are called transformations on the Cartesian plane in the form of translation, reflection, enlargement and rotation

What is the basic unit of structure and functions of the nervous system?

The nerve cells. They coordinate the actions of the body.

What are the professions that uses a Cartesian Plane in their basic jobs?

What are the professions that uses Cartesian Plane in their jobs? What are the professions that used Cartesian Plane in their job?

What are the basic number system?

You can review about the number system in detail on the link given below Thanks

What does plot U as a function of V mean?

Assuming you are familiar with all other basic geometry and algebra (which is needed first to even ask the question), it simply means inserting different values of V into the formula and calculating U, then marking the coordinate pairs that are formed in a Cartesian graph (or other appropriate graph form).

What grades are coordinate plane worksheets needed for?

Coordinate plane worksheets are needed for fourth grade and up because fourth grade is when you learn basic graphing and that is when you would need a coordinate plane worksheet.

What is a basic math fact?

You can practice it: Counting Addition Subtraction Multiplication Number Concept Division Fraction Decimals Basic Geometry Metric System Customary System (only U.S.A)

Different types of number system?

the roman numerals and the Hindu Arabic are the 2 basic types of number systems but we use the Hindu Arabic

What is the data of the solar system?

There are a number of sources for data about the solar system. I recommend the web site below "The Nine Planets" as an excellent basic reference.