The top number in a fraction is called the "numerator". The bottom number is called the "denominator"
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient
The number being divided in a division problem is called the dividend.
A number that is divided by another number is called the dividend. In a division operation, the dividend is the number that is being divided. The result of the division is called the quotient, while the number by which the dividend is divided is called the divisor.
In any division sum, such as 12 / 4 = 3, the first number is the dividend, the second number is the divisor, and the third number is called the quotient.
The top number in a fraction is called the "numerator". The bottom number is called the "denominator"
The top number in an improper fraction is called the numerator. The bottom number is called the denominator.
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient
The denominator.
The number left over in division is called the remainder.
The number being divided in a division problem is called the dividend.
Divisor or denominator
The top number is called the numerator.
If you have a zero on the bottom, it means that you have a division by zero situation. Division by zero is undefined in mathematics and cannot be performed. It typically indicates an error or a situation that needs to be addressed and corrected.
A number that is divided by another number is called the dividend. In a division operation, the dividend is the number that is being divided. The result of the division is called the quotient, while the number by which the dividend is divided is called the divisor.
The first number is called the dividend. The second number is called the divisor. The answer is called the quotient.
In any division sum, such as 12 / 4 = 3, the first number is the dividend, the second number is the divisor, and the third number is called the quotient.