The major problem with horizontal division of labor is that it can result in job boredom and even degradation of the worker
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Labor leaders and organizations had the power to demand it.
To calculate manpower or labor productivity, you divide the value of goods and services produced by the total hours worked by employees over a specified period. You can also calculate labor productivity by dividing the total sales by the total amount of hours worked.
The change in output that results from employing an added unit of labor (hiring 1 extra person).
To determine the marginal product of labor in a production process, you can calculate the change in output when one additional unit of labor is added. This can be done by dividing the change in output by the change in labor input. The marginal product of labor helps to understand how efficiently labor is contributing to the overall production.
change in output/change in labor.
By definition marginal cost is the change in total costs for each additional item produced. Marginal costs will decrease when changes in inputs result in costs increasing at a decreasing rate. An example might be gains in productivity when hiring an additional unit of labor results in a more than proportional increase in output. Marginal costs would increase when an additional unit of an input results in a less than proportional increase in output (assuming input prices are constant).
marginal product of labor
I believe in economics we assume that firms are rational and because of this a rational firm would not employ additional labor if it caused a decline in the total output of the firm.
The way to
hiring workers
NO. The labor productivity will rise together with total output. Vice versa
My answer would be that HR has a budget for hiring etc, therefore it would be considered a hiring cost from its budget. The labor cost would be what it cost to produce a product and the wages paid out etc.
A illegal hiring and a illegal firing are considered an offense in a labor court.