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The decimal form of a fraction is either a terminating or recurring decimal.

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Q: The decimal form of a fraction is a n blank decimal?
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If a dot is placed above each of the digits in the decimal 0.0123456789 to indicate a recurring decimal can you express this as a fraction detailing all your working?

Let n = 0.0123456789 recurring 1010n = 123456789.0123456789 recurring 1010n - n = 123456789 9999999999n = 123456789 n = 123456789/9999999999 = 0.0123456789 recurring Therefore the recurring decimal 0.0123456789 expressed as a fraction is 123456789/9999999999. Check it out on your calculator.

Is 0.25 a example of integer?

NO, it is a decimal that can be represented as the fraction 1/4 but can never be written as n integer.

0.74 recurring into a fraction?

Let the recurring decimal be represented by 'n' Then 100n - n = 99n 100 x 0.7474764.... = 74.747474.... Then subtract the original decimal figure. 74.747474..... - 0.747474.....= 74.0000 = 99n Therefore n = 74/99

How can you write any nonzero whole number as a fraction?

No, you cannot write any irrational number as a fraction.

Is there a way to tell if a decimal is terminating or repeating?

Think of the division problem as a fraction. Simplify the fraction to its simplest form. For example, simplify 7/14 to 1/2. If the only factors of the denominator are 1, 2, and 5, then it will terminate. If the denominator has any other factors, it will repeat. For example, n/16 will always terminate for any integer n. But n/15 will never terminate for any non-zero integer n if the fraction is in its simplest form. Another method is to do the division. If you are dividing a/b (where a and b are both integers), then if it is going to terminate, it will terminate within b-1 decimal places. In other words, the repeating portion will never be longer than b-1 digits.

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What is The point at which two lines meet to form an angle is called the?

A (n) blank is a combination of a whole number with a fraction or decimal

Is the fraction 7 over 6 a terminating decimal or a repeating decimal?

It is a recurring decimal. You only get a terminating decimal if, in the lowest form, the denominaor of the fraction is a factor of 10 or a power of 10. That is to say, only if the denominator is of the form 2m5n where m and n are non-negative integers.

When you raise a number to the power with the exponent one half you get its?

Its 'Square Root'. Remember 'roots; of numbers can be expressed in different ways. (2)/ ; Surd form x^(1/2) ; index form ( as a fraction) x^(0.5) ; index form ( as a decimal). For 'nth' roots (n) / ; surd form x^(1/n) ; Fraction form x^(0.***) ; decimal form .

How do you put decimal to fraction?

If decimal number has n digits after the decimal point then the numerator of the fraction is the decimal number without the decimal point and the denominator is 1 followed by n zeros. That is the fractional representation of the decimal number. You may need to simplify. For example, 27.356 : there are three digits after the decimal point so n = 3. Therefore the fraction is 27356/1000 which can be simplified to 6839/250. Or 0.00076 : there are 5 digits after the decimal point so n = 5. Therefore the fraction is 76/100000 which can be simplified to 19/25000.

What decimal fraction of 13?

decimal fraction of 13 = 130/10 The de nomi nator should be i n the power of 10.

What is a fraction equivalent to one whole?

Any fraction of the form n/n, where n is a non-zero integer.

Can all terminating decimals be written as fractions Justify your answer?

Yes. Supposing the decimal terminates after n digits following the decimal point. Then consider the fraction whose numerator is the integer formed from the decimal by removing the decimal point. The denominator is 10n or 1 followed by n 0s. This fraction is equivalent to the terminating decimal.

What is the fraction equivalent of 3 sevenths?

Any fraction of the form (3*n)/(7*n) where n is a non-zero integer is an equivalent fraction.

What fraction is more than two thirds?

any fraction with the form (n)/(n+1) as long as n>2

What would this word be blank n blank n blank blank n?

I suppose it will always be unknown.

How do you determined the decimal from the fraction?

A decimal fraction is preceded by a period. A common fraction shows a numerator above the fraction line and the denominator below the fraction line, which represents a division statement.In other words, a fraction says "I represent n parts of a whole divided into d parts, where n is the numerator and d is the denominator." To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator (the number above the line) by the denominator (the number below the line).Example: to convert 1/3 to a decimal, divide 1 by 3. The answer will 0.3333 etc.

What is 14.6 as a fraction.?

-1.46 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is -146/100 which can be simplified. But simplification means that you lose information about the precision of the fraction.