yes!!, because when you add the same signs or positive to positive you use addition, ex... 8-8=16 !!!, because you will have to change the arithmetic sign if a two integers has the same sign
The sum of two positive numbers is always a positive number.
The product of negative number and a positive number is always a negative. The product of two positive numbers, or two negative numbers, is always a positive.
The difference between a positive integer and a negative integer is ALWAYS positive.Suppose X and Y are positive so that -Y is negative,The the difference two numbers, A and B is A - B so the difference between X and (-Y) is X - (-Y) which equals X + Y. The sum of two positive numbers is always positive.
Yes. The absolute value of two numbers is ALWAYS positive. This is because absolute value means "the number of spaces a number is from zero on a number line.
yes. for all positive, distinct numbers greater than 0
By subtracting a positive number from itself. 3 - 3 = 0
The sum of two positive numbers is always a positive number.
The product of negative number and a positive number is always a negative. The product of two positive numbers, or two negative numbers, is always a positive.
The difference between a positive integer and a negative integer is ALWAYS positive.Suppose X and Y are positive so that -Y is negative,The the difference two numbers, A and B is A - B so the difference between X and (-Y) is X - (-Y) which equals X + Y. The sum of two positive numbers is always positive.
The difference between two numbers is the result of a subtraction. This can be either positive or negative, depending on which number is greater.
If I understand the question correctly, the sum of two positive numbers will *always* yield a positive number. The product of two positive or two negative numbers will always yield a positive number. The division of two positive or two negative numbers will always yield a positive number. There are more examples along this line. I am not sure if this is what you wanted to know.
Yes. The absolute value of two numbers is ALWAYS positive. This is because absolute value means "the number of spaces a number is from zero on a number line.
yes. for all positive, distinct numbers greater than 0
always positive
The difference between two numbers is the result of a subtraction. This can be either positive or negative.
Adding two negative numbers will always be negative. Subtracting two negative numbers may be positive or negative. Dividing or multiplying two negative numbers will always be positive.No