Diameter. distasnce from center to edge is radius length around is circumfrance
The distance around a circle is the circumference. The diameter of a circle is the distance across the center of a circle.
The radius of a circle is half its diameter (the measure of the circle from one side across to the other).
The diameter
Circumference is the outside of the circle and the inside is the are of the circle. And inside of the circle, there is diameter and radius. Radius is from the center point to the edge of the circle and diameter is all the way across.
The diameter (across the widest part) is the longest chord that can be drawn on a circle.
4 distince
The distance half way across a circle is the circle's radius.radias
the distance is 92,960,000
Line through the center of a circle is the diameter or distance across the circle.
If the circle is five feet across - that is the diameter.
vanishing point
A diameter goes all the way across a circle through the center. A radius goes half way across, from the center to any point on the circle. So a circle's diameter is two times its radius.All the way through the centre of the circle but the radius only goes half way from the centre of the circle
The circle's diameter
It is the diameter of the circle or the sphere
The length around a circle is the circumference The length across a circle is the diameter
The diameter is the distance across the centre of the circle.