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binary fission

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Q: The division of an organism into two equal parts?
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What is a binany fissim?

It is binary fission and it is the reproduction of a cell or a one celled organism by division of two nearly equal parts

What is a bisection?

A bisection is a division or the process of division into two parts, especially two equal parts.

Division of a cell into two approximately equal parts?


What do you call the division of a cell into two approximately equal parts?


What called the division of cell into approximately two equal parts?

Mitosis i think :)

What is the word for Divide in to 2 parts?

To halve is to divide into two equal parts. Words to describe unequal division include, splitting, division, partitioning etc.

What are the differences between asymmetrical bilaterl and radial?

Assemetry means you cannot dissect an organism into any equal parts. Bilateral symmetry means the orgamnism can be divided into two equal parts, having a central line. Radially symmetrical means the organism can be divided into equal parts at many planes.

What does mitosis allow organisms to do?

reproduction of a cell by division into two approximately equal parts

What are two parts of an organism's enviaronent?

what are the two parts of an organism's habitat

When an organism of many cells breaks up into two or more parts and these parts survive to produce a new organism reproduction occurs by .?

Fragmentation occurs when an organism of many cells breaks into two or more parts and these parts survive to produce a new organism.

What is autogamy?

Autogamy is pollination of the ovules of a flower by its own pollen; self-fertilization or conjugation in an individual organism by division of its nucleus into two parts that in turn reunite to form a zygote.

Does microorganism reproduce by spores?

No,they do not. They reproduce by cell division. Cell division is when a micro organism divides itself into two.