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I got the answer:

if first#=A, second#=B, third#=C, fourth#=D, fifth#=E

The fifth number plus the third number equals fourteen. E+C=14
The fourth number is one more than the second number. D=B+1
The first number is one less than twice the second number. A=(B*2)-1
The second number plus the third number equals ten. B+C=10
The sum of all five numbers is 30. A+B+C+D+E+F=30

Observing, B is present in most clues.

Then use last clue A+B+C+D+E=30

Since E+C=14 just take out E and C then put 14




Substitute remaining clues

[(B*2)-1] + B + (B+1) = 16

(B*2) -1 + B + B + 1 = 16 -> negative one plus one is zero

(B*2) + 2B = 16

(B*2) = 16 - 2B

B*2 = 2 (8-B)

B*2 = 2 (8-B) -> divide both sides by 2

B = 8 - B

B + B = 8

2B = 8 -> divide both sides by 2 (sorry i know theres a short cut to this hehehe)

B = 4

Apply to clue #2:

D = B+1

D = 4+1

D = 5


A + B + C + D + E = 30, where B= 4, D= 5, E+C=14

A + 4 + 14 + 5 = 30

A = 30 - 4 - 14 - 5

A = 7

Using clue # 4

B + C = 10

4 + C = 10

C = 10 - 4

C = 6

Using clue #1

E + C = 14

E + 6 = 14

E = 14 - 6

E = 8

The Answer is 7, 4, 6, 5, 8

Thats it!!!

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