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Identify and understand the problem

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Q: The first step in the problem-solving precess is to?
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According to the problemsolving strategies you learned in this lesson what should you do after you've gathered your resources on a problem?

After gathering all resources to a problem the next step is to develop a course of action or come up with solutions. Then analyze the solutions, make a decision, and implement the plan.

Where does the digestive precess start?

At your mouth

What is the first steps in digestion?

Chewing your food is the beginning of the digestive precess. Enzymes in your saliva begin to break down starches.

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Does a pendulum precess?

Yes, a pendulum can precess due to the interaction between its motion and external forces like friction or gravity. The precession causes the swing plane of the pendulum to rotate slowly over time.

Is evolution a slow or fast changing precess?

long, billions of years

What precess is involved in all methods in testing hypothesis?

Data collection?

What is the first step of a project?

planning is your first step.

According to the problemsolving strategies you've learned so far once you have come up with a solution to the problem you should return to the equation and make sure your answer satisfies it?


What does the story of Ramayana imply?

As with all moral stories the morals of Ramayana are:Truth and Justice will always prevailGood will always defeat evilAnswer: Aim to write Ramayana is to teach how to separate the soul and body. Start with Dasrath killing Shrwan (blind parent ) means listen to Guru without using speech and mind to get knowledge.Answer: Precess of self realization, step by step.

What the first step in cellular respiration is?

The first step to respiration is glycolysis.