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Fraction = 20/1 Ratio = 20

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Q: The forward rate of spread of a wildland fire is 20 times 20x the backing rate of spread Write this as a fraction and in ratio notation?
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How do you back a car out of the driveway from park to driving forward?

If you're driving forward, you aren't backing out the car.

When should you check behind your car when backing up?

You should always be looking behind you when backing up. You don't look forward when reversing because you're not moving in a forward direction.

The most important thing in backing a motor vehicle is?

Looking forward carefully

In California if a car backing out of a parking spot hits a forward coming car who is at fault?

The person backing out due to the other car having the right-of-way.

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The disadvantage of backing and turning?

1. You have a much bigger blind spot in back of your vehicle even when backing straight. 2. When turning you have limited visibility of what is around the corner you are backing in to. 3. It's more difficult to keep control of your vehicle when backing than when going forward.

In California who is at fault in an accident where a vehicle backing out of a parking spot strikes a vehicle that is already backed up and about to leave forward?

The person backing out I am asuming other person has finished reversing and is leaving if I understood correctly

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The car's acceleration is in forward direction.

Can an apartment complex make you park your car face forward instead of backing in?

The apartment block owners as the landowners, can make their own rules.

LT155 with a hydrostatic transmission you have plenty of power when moving forward but when you press the pedal for reverse it does not have the power backing up as it does going forward?

Your hydrostatic transmission is shot!!!!! Mine did the same thing..... They are about $700-800 from the dealer!!

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most times the person backing......rules of the road will dictate that the person backing must use a higher degree of care......nearly all claims I've worked where one is backing and other vehicle is moving forward, and certainly if stopped the backing party will be found fully or higher percentage at fault........

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