The left hemisphere of the brain contains the centers for logic and reasoning. It also contains language and math. Broca's area and Wernicke's area are on the left hemisphere.
Math can be boring or people of both genders, but puts girls at a disadvantage. This is because the female brain deals better with language, while the male brain excels at math. This is a generalization and does not reflect the abilities of a certain individual because boys have their left brain more devloped, and girls have their right brain more devlolped..... i thiink that's right :) btw i hate math!and i am a girl
Not sure if this is math or a brain teaser. If you consider an eight (8) as two zeros stacked on top of one another, take one of them away, and you are left with only one small circle {zero (o)}
That's a lot of pizza. But anyway, Jill would have the most, since she has 35 (pieces?) left!
there aproximately 50,000 left
The opposite of the direction left is the direction right. The opposite of the past tense of leave (left) is either arrived or stayed.
The left hemisphere of the brain is primarily responsible for controlling speech and language functions in most individuals. This area is known as the left hemisphere dominant for language processing.
The left hemisphere of the brain, particularly the areas in the left frontal and temporal lobes, is primarily responsible for most language functions such as speech production and comprehension. This area is known as Broca's area and Wernicke's area, respectively.
The left side of the brain primarily controls the right side of the body. This is because the nervous system follows a "crossed" pattern, where the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for motor functions on the right side of the body.
Sound waves entering the right ear are primarily processed by the left hemisphere of the brain. The left hemisphere is responsible for language processing and analytical functions, which includes decoding and interpreting auditory information from the right ear.
The hemispheres in the brain are called the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. Each hemisphere is responsible for controlling different functions and skills in the body.
The left hemisphere of the brain, specifically in the areas known as Broca's area and Wernicke's area, is primarily responsible for language acquisition and processing. These regions are crucial for different aspects of language functioning, such as speech production, comprehension, and word meaning.
The brain hemisphere is located on the left side of the corpus collasum. This is responsible for regulating the activities on the right part of the body. Brain hemisphere is also responsible for speech and language functions.
The left hemisphere of the brain is primarily responsible for mathematical and logical reasoning, as well as problem solving. This hemisphere is associated with analytical thinking, language, and sequential processing, which are all key components of mathematical and logical reasoning.
The cerebrum is located in the front of the brain. It has 2 hemispheres. The right hemisphere of your brain is responsible for creativity and the left hemisphere is for logic as well as problem solving.
Deaf people primarily process sign language in the left hemisphere of the brain, just like hearing individuals process spoken language. This hemisphere is typically responsible for language processing and comprehension.
The tongue is primarily controlled by both sides of the brain, with the left hemisphere typically responsible for language production and the right hemisphere supporting spatial and emotional aspects of speech. The motor cortex, located in the frontal lobe of each hemisphere, plays a key role in controlling the movement of the tongue muscles.
The dominant hemisphere for most people is the left hemisphere of the brain. It is typically responsible for language processing, logical reasoning, and problem-solving. However, some individuals may have a dominant right hemisphere, which is associated with creativity, intuition, and emotion processing.