On an artist's color wheel, green is the complement of red. Orange is the complement of blue. On a printing color wheel, cyan is the complement of red. Yellow is the complement of blue.
When adding 58 cm and 38 cm, the solution would be 96 cm for the length of the green ribbon.
Black and/or white complement orange very well. In another sense complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel. In that sense blue is the complementary color for orange. See link.
Gold is a slight variation of yellow which is a primary color. The complement of any primary color is the mix of the other 2. Red and blue are the other primaries and together they make purple. So, purple is the complement of gold.
Why is this school is a Blue Winner Ribbon because all the student,teacher,and principal try really hard with their power so they earned it.And this school is the best of all
Is the blue ribbon eel an invertebrate
The cauldron is for "bobbing for bolts" so My best guess is its a ribbon for the winner.
The complement of Pale blue is, a some what salmon color. A good medium between red and orange which is the complement of blue.
On an artist's color wheel, green is the complement of red. Orange is the complement of blue. On a printing color wheel, cyan is the complement of red. Yellow is the complement of blue.
Blue Ribbon Awards was created in 1950.
Blue Ribbon Awards happened in 1950.
Blue Ribbon Soundworks ended in 1995.
a blue cancer ribbon stands for stomach cancer
Pabst Blue Ribbon Bouts ended in 1955.