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Q: The modulus operator percent can be used only with integer operands?
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What The modulus operator percent can be used only with integer operands is true or false?


What does the percent mean in Java?

The percent sign in Java is the modulus operator. Modulus is used to find the remainder from a division For example if you did int x = 10 % 6; x would be equal to 4. 10 divided by 6 has a remainder of 4. The modulus operator can be used to determine whether a number is divisible by another among other things.

Is 67 percent an integer?

67 percent is not an integer.

With a matrix of resin how much will modulus increase if fiber volume fraction is increased from 25 to 50 percent assume fiber modulus is four times the matrix modulus?

Do your own assignment! I know who you are

Is percent a valid Excel arithmetic operator?

No. Percent is not an operator, it is a symbol or cell format style.

How do you write 500 percent as an integer?

500% as an integer or whole number is 5

What number is 68 percent of 290?

The answer is not an exact integer but 68% of 290 is 197.2 or 197 to the nearest integer

What is the arthmetric operator that multiplies by 0.01 in excel?


In excel what is the arithmetic operator that multiplies by 0.01?


Use of Percent in C programming?

%p is used in a printf statement to show the memory address value of a pointer. It does not show the address of the pointer itself. You can see this with the following program:#include int main(void){int* p;printf("p: %p x: %x x&: %x\n",p,p,&p);}This gave me the following output:p: 0x33d6d0 x: 33d6d0 x&: bf9a8c10So %p is a way of formatting the value in a pointer to make it obvious that you are referring to a memory location.

What percent is 32 out of 46?

It is: 70% rounded to the nearest integer

99.1 percent of all collisions are due to operator error?
