Everything is the most important thing in math. You are going to need math when you are older or to help you with your job now.
A math CONCEPT is a fancy way of describing the different ways and things you can and can't do in math. A math Concept can be 5!. That in term equals 5*4*3*2*1, which then = 120.
probably the most important skill they teach in school.. but i think after algebra 1 math is useless. ha
Math is an important part of your life. Most jobs require you to no math and be able to calculate well.
"key concept" is not a mathematical term . A key concept is an important idea. Two key concepts in math are derivatives and integrals of functions. ( "function" is also a key concept.)
Everything is the most important thing in math. You are going to need math when you are older or to help you with your job now.
they made stone heads
Maybe the most important concept is probably bullying. :) -Michael B. ;)
A math CONCEPT is a fancy way of describing the different ways and things you can and can't do in math. A math Concept can be 5!. That in term equals 5*4*3*2*1, which then = 120.
Your brain
Questioning everything
Questioning everything
nope math is real, but is an abstract concept
probably the most important skill they teach in school.. but i think after algebra 1 math is useless. ha