13 18 16 21 19 24 22 27 25 ... . This series consists of adding 5 to the first number and subtracting 2 from the next number, repeating the sequence in that order.
59 is the next number in this series.
One number does not make a sequence (nor a series).
The next number is 1112.
13 18 16 21 19 24 22 27 25 ... . This series consists of adding 5 to the first number and subtracting 2 from the next number, repeating the sequence in that order.
59 is the next number in this series.
The next number in the series is 67.
A single number such as 61205041320 does not make a series.
A single number, such as 12848384 does not make a series.
One number does not make a sequence (nor a series).
There is no series of number: just one very large number!