It is 4674 km rounded
1/3 kilometer = (333 and 1/3) meters.
Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".
Most United States citizens acquired citizenship by birth, but persons born in other countries may apply to become U.S. citizens. This process is called Naturalization
If the estimated population of the world is 6.8 billion, and the estimated livable land area of earth is 150 million sq km, than the average persons per square kilometer is around 45.3.
The population desity is currently about 33 persons per square mile,
population density.
Per capita.
The country in Africa with the highest population density is the island of Mauritius off the coast of Madagascar. The population is only about 1.3 million but the average is more than 625 persons per square kilometer. Only the French island of Mayotte has a slightly higher number of inhabitants per unit of area (250,000 people in 374 square kilometers). The actual main island of Mauritius has a greater density, as much as 700 persons per sq. km.The country on the African mainland with the highest population density is Rwanda, with 11.6 million inhabitants and about 440 persons per square kilometer. It is followed by Burundi which has only about 5% fewer inhabitants.
The country in Africa with the highest population density is the island of Mauritius off the coast of Madagascar. The population is only about 1.3 million but the average is more than 625 persons per square kilometer. Only the French island of Mayotte has a slightly higher number of inhabitants per unit of area (250,000 people in 374 square kilometers). The actual main island of Mauritius has a greater density, as much as 700 persons per sq. km.The country on the African mainland with the highest population density is Rwanda, with 11.6 million inhabitants and about 440 persons per square kilometer. It is followed by Burundi which has only about 5% fewer inhabitants.
Population Density is the number of people per square unit of arable land. So it could be expressed and persons per square (any area unit) but is most commonly displayed as persons per square mile or persons per square kilometer.
It is called an indefinite pronoun, a word that takes the place of unknown or unnamed persons or number of persons.
type *67 before the phone number
The average number of people living in a square mile or kilometer is called the population density. The population of Florida is 19. 55 million people. The population density of Florida is 297. 3 people per square mile.
The quotient is 3 ... a dimensionless number, with no unit.